We offer scientific consulting to promote blue growth.
We work to contribute to blue growth by providing individuals and companies with the tools to support the energy and digital transition in aquaculture, aquaponics, and hydroponics, as well as for sustainability assessment in the agri-food supply chain.
Our main areas of consulting are:
Precision Aquaculture
Energy Transition
Digital Innovation
Environmental Sustainability
Environmental Monitoring

Our Vision
Reconciling economic and environmental sustainability, to live in a world where humanity once again becomes part of nature.

What We Do
We provide consulting, tools, and services to private companies and public institutions.

Why We Do It
We are a multidisciplinary team made up of researchers and scientists united by a shared passion for the environment. This is why we work to provide targeted tools to enhance sustainable production while respecting the natural ecosystem.

Our Mission
Contributing to the innovation of the blue economy by transferring the results of scientific research to the production world.

Why Choose Us
We use innovative tools thanks to our participation in research and development projects.
We understand the specific issues that affect the development of aquaculture.
We combine diverse skills needed to solve complex problems.
Our Team
Roberto Pastres, PhD
Co-founder and scientific director of Bluefarm, he is currently an Associate Professor of Ecology at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. He has twenty years of experience in developing modeling tools for sustainable aquaculture.
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Currently, he coordinates the H2020 project “GAIN” – Green Aquaculture INtensification in Europe, and participates in the H2020 project “NewTechAqua.”
Associate Professor at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Venice since 2000, his research focuses on developing ecological models to describe the dynamics of aquatic ecosystems under anthropogenic influences. In this context, studying the interactions between aquaculture and the environment has led to the development of practical solutions to promote sustainable aquaculture. He has participated in various European projects related to aquaculture, such as FP6 ECASA and SPICOSA, FP7 Euroshell and FORCE, and has coordinated FP7 MEDINA.
Daniele Brigolin, PhD
Co-founder of Bluefarm, he is currently an Associate Professor of Ecology at IUAV University of Venice, in the Urban Planning and Territorial Planning degree program.
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In addition to aquaculture, his main research interests include biogeochemical processes in benthic environments and the study of trophic networks. He has participated in numerical modeling activities to quantify the interactions between aquaculture and the marine environment, conducted as part of various European projects. More recently, he has contributed to research projects concerning marine spatial planning and Natura 2000 sites.
Francesca Borga
Co-founder and CEO of the company, responsible for the administration of research and development activities and funding projects.
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Francesca has several years of experience in Euro-project design, financial management, and reporting of funded projects.
Luca Bacco
Recently part of the Bluefarm team, Luca holds a bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering and a master’s degree with honors in Environmental Sciences from Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.
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With a background in computer engineering and a specialization in environmental sciences, I have become passionate about modeling and simulation. In my free time, I play football and write.